This is something I did for breakfast two days ago and it tasted very good. It could stand my hunger until noon
. Also I had some strong flavored ingredients in high quantities that I wanted to prepare in some way I didn´t had to taste them in all their flavor (kimchi and dandelion leaves)
You will require
Some dandelion leaves (disinfect and remove tails, I mean, lower stem)
Some napa kimchi.
Three eggs (I rather use free-range eggs).
some salt & pepper (organic sea salt is good
Vat cultivated butter (or your favourite cooking oil)
a regular blender.
put everything in the blender and mix for some seconds. Adjust velocity and time depending on the texture you want on your omelet. I use only like ten seconds in medium-low speed so there still pieces of vegetables and not all is liquified).
Note for beginners: You need to crack the eggs and extract it contents. Do not use the shells. You may use the shells in your compost, they are good source of calcium.
Note for gourmets: You may use quail eggs.
Put the fire to medium in a pan, add butter and let it to melt. Once it is liquid add some mix to the pan. When the mix is in it, put the fire to 3/4. More about omelet cooking techniques here.
Serve with orange juice. You may add some chia seeds to the juice, it´s awesome.